Feldenkrais Pankow


A graphic identity for a motricity therapist from the Feldenkrais discipline

>The Feldenkrais Method is a type of exercise therapy devised by Israeli Moshé Feldenkrais during the mid-20th century. The method is claimed to reorganize connections between the brain and body and so improve body movement and psychological state.” Wikipedia and Stalker D, Glymour C, eds. (1989). Examining Holistic Medicine




Dore Steinert was opening her new practice cabinet and needed a logo to promote her services, both online in real life through printed formats. My design represents an elegant and minimalist movement, as this therapeutic method is meant to improve motion and wants to bound the mind and the body in a whole. It evokes directly the core philosophy of the Feldenkrais method. Little semantic plus : “Kreis” means circle in German!



Bonus : Second proposal, visual from the creation process

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